Friday, July 25, 2008

My most recent ten-card Tarot spread

Present Position: Two of Pentacles
Immediate Influences: Ace of Swords
Goal or Destiny: XIII Death
Distant Past Foundations: XII The Hanged Man
Recent Past Influences: XX Judgement
Future Influence: Queen of Pentacles
Role and Feelings of Present: XVI The Tower
External Factors to Affect Outcome: III The Empress
Inner Emotions, Fears, Desires: The Hermit
Final Outcome: Seven of Cups

Interesting... I think it all makes sense to me except the outcome is a little unclear, the Seven of Cups really isn't a dictating sort of card. The Queen and Empress together are promising. But the Ace of Swords, Two of Pentacles and that darn final outcome sort of point to something that everyone's telling me anyway.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

"Make your choices wisely, because each choice you make is a creative act of spiritual power for which you are held responsible."

"I am open and receptive to the changes that will come."

"I accept my past, receive my future, and embrace my present."

"The Universe will provide for me. I am safe and nurtured."

-These are the mantras of my spiritual and physical healing. ! :)

Monday, January 21, 2008

can has update re: environmental bitching

i am thinking of turning this blog into a place where i can let loose the things that would make me a very annoying human being to be around.
for instance:
i'm in the checkout counter at wegs and i see a woman who has brought her own bags--hooray!--but she has individually wrapped each piece of fruit in a plastic produce bag. i'm talkin even bananas. freakin bananas! with a thick outer peel which you will not be consuming! not to mention, i hope you wash your fruit anyway. and i just UGH i had to really really work hard to not point out the incredible irony of bringing your own bag (a fine step in redemption, but a small one nonetheless) and then freakin wrapping every god damned thing in a produce bag. i want to post signs about these things in grocery stores, because otherwise i don't know how people will start to see this stuff.

see how annoying i could be in person? i'm getting worse, i can tell. i jsut want to post (recycled) flyers everywhere that make people aware of the things they are doing without thinking!