this weekend. quite a time. we had a bit of a scare, when remy, my sister's pug (who's staying with us while she vacations in asheville) somehow managed to get herself onto my desk and eat through two bars of 70% cocoa (expensive) chocolate. what followed was hell for my poor mother who was thrown up on, like, 15 times at least. because tilly, our chihuahua, ate remy's howtoputthisnicely vomited chocolate treat--it was a mess. they both went to doggy emergency room and even though we got tilly back relatively soon because she was not that bad, poor remy was a mess and had quite a hard time of it. but in about an hour we get to go pick her up! so thank stars for that. other than that, i did a big step for denmark--sent over a package for myself when i arrive! i wish i could say it included all kinds of fun stuff, but actually it was mostly studio supplies. which isn't un-great, but, let's face it, it's not gonna be like christmas when i get there. although the package did include a box of cliff bars, so that's coolio. what else? well last night i had a bunch o' fun in a lightning storm/drizzle/etc. the night involved swinging by moonlight, being picked up and spun, a bit of tickling, some waltzing in a cornfield, a lot of contemplating how best not to die by lightning while still getting to see it, and of course just general making fun. love these parts of summer. speaking of which. two weeks of work (gotsta finish designing two playgrounds) and then two weeks of play. then hayley gets a little europe. and europe gets a lot of hayley. so that'll happen.
moral of the story: seal all chocolate in airtight, smell proof containers, put those containers in tanks of water, seal the tanks and hang them from the roof of the attic, and then burn down the attic. or, don't ever agree to take care of a pug.
1 comment:
Ha, cute pug! Glad it's alright :) P.S. tomorrow I leave for B.C. for a week... jealous? ;)
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